Fight Bulldroids from rival gangs in merciless 1-on-1 fights inspired by the rock-paper-scissors gaming system.

Your victories will be rewarded with K-9, an essential resource to evolve in the world of Bulldroids.

The game will be available on mobile and desktop versions.

Play to earn K9

The Bulldroids eat, live, and fight for precious K9 (pronounce “Canine”)

By taking part into duels every day, the Bulldroids can earn K9 that will serve to pimp their character, receive new generation of NFT, and participate in the metaverse.


Collection ID number

No two Bulldroids are alike; each one is genetically unique. Your Bulldroid has a unique ID number.

Gang color

For each gang one specific color.


Each Gene has traits, and traits have five distinct Rarity levels:

The cumulative score of these trait rarities in a given Applicant makes up the Rarity Score, which goes from 1-100.

Pawer Score

The "Pawer Score" will allow Bulldroid to improve its chances of winning at Burp / Fart / Snore by offering them powers that have different "Pawer costs" before a match.

The Pawer Score is a genetic attribute present in each Bulldroid, ranging from 3 to 10 depending on their rarity.

It allows each Bulldroid to acquire special powers that can be used to trick opponents before the fight, and it can evolve according to your own history.